Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas was a blast this year! My husband Nathan spent his first Christmas with my family. Although mom accidentally bought him girl's pajamas to wear Christmas Eve that would match the one's she bought me, we had a few good laughs over the incident that made it worth while. Mom promised that she went to the men's section in Old Navy but the glittering thread should have given it away. Ooops! Here are a few pics from Christmas! My sister's husband and dad had already retreated to bed . . . probably hoping that Santa Claus would come a little earlier I suppose :) The slideshow seems to center around my snaggle-tooth poodle Sophie! I just love her to death!!! Oh and just so everyone knows, no chocolate was fed to our dogs . . . just a little disclaimer.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

OMG! So embarrassing! You need to mention that I had no sleep over the holiday...Mia is cute, I want those pics.