A few weeks ago I was honored to be a GUEST at Emma and Joey's wedding! My husband and I have been friends with this couple for quite some time. They are absolutely perfect for each other and individually some of the best people we know. I cannot believe how emotional I was during their ceremony! I thought, "Oh Lord . . . make these tears stop!" The moment Emma rounded the corner with her father, it was all over for me. Emma was trying to keep it together as her dad escorted her down the aisle using a walker and leg braces. Emma looked completely dolled up . . . which I'm not used to seeing. I mean it was her wedding day but still. The whole thing was so emotionally overwhelming, I completely fell apart! Although I did not take any pictures during the ceremony, I was able to snap a few at their reception at the Country Place Restaurant . . . which by the way has AMAZING food! I only brought my camera body (no flash unit) and my smallest/most convenient lens so that is why there is more grain in these pictures. However, I actually like the way these pictures turned out. I made a quick SLIDESHOW for Emma and Joey using one of my favorite (non-modern) love songs . . . I can't help it . . . this song makes me want to fist pump the air!
First dance
Father-daughter dance . . . I could have burst into tears again!
I love these tender moments with dad (a favorite part of weddings for me).
Love the light on Emma's face!
My heart is falling apart right now!
Hello! Time for the garter toss!
Our friend Tank trying to give the garter away. I'm not quite sure what he is saying to this young boy but I'm sure it went something like this:
"Simba, everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand to balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant, to the leaping antelope, blah, blah, blah"
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