I just love the holidays! So much to do, so many places to go! And this Thanksgiving was my FIRST Thanksgiving as a married woman. Yes, I am a newlywed. Nathan and I were married October 18, 2008 on top of Signal Mountain at Laurelwood. Although Nathan is "back-country" and I am "city salon," we work well together. I believe we enjoy each other's differences because it pushes us out of our comfort zones, making us stronger as individuals. One of the bonds we share, however, is having grown up with a wonderful support system from our families. Luckily, if I'm not with my family, his is a good substitute :) And since it's Thanksgiving, I'll go ahead and say that I'm thankful for that! Given that his family is much larger than mine, holiday traditions are somewhat different. Usually I spend Thanksgiving watching the Macy's Day Parade, eating a Thanksgiving feast in the formal dining room with about 6 others, and enjoying the latest Christmas movie in theatres with my family. Though I did catch the parade this year as I was getting dressed, the rest of the day was spent catching up with Nathan's 30 plus family members and friends! Afternoon and evening activities included a family football game, cornhole, and a big bonfire! And when it was finally time for dinner, we all retreated to a beautifully decorated white tent (yeah, like the kind they have at weddings) to enjoy our Thanksgiving feast. Here are a few pictures:
Nathan's childhood home

Mary Grace and Drew Burchfield

Christian Sagel

Dominic Sagel

Samson, the family dog, chillin' . . .

Nathan getting pumped . . .

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