Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Behind but Improved!
So I had this GREAT idea to get caught up on all my blog posts today but . . . that's probably not gonna happen. Do you notice anything new about my blog?!? I sure hope so or I just wasted a few hours! Ahh! Well, if you haven't visited here before, I just increased the size of all the pictures I posted here. YAY! It's really easy ONCE you figure it out. I think it looks a LOT better! I love learning new things but get annoyed with the amount of time it takes me to research everything to figure it out! Some days I just wish I had a magic wand and POOF everything is just the way I want it. However, DO check back sometime next week because I should be getting some posts up from the holidays! From Diva Night to Christmas and Christmas to celebrating the New Year in Nashville, the posts should be rather interesting. I'm also planning on making a few enhancements to my website! January through March are going to be super busy but I love what I do so no complaints!
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Long Family
Last Saturday I got to hangout with the Long Family to take some long overdue family photos. Despite the cold weather, they were all smiles and laughter! I loved their 35 acres of land! We'll have to thank their neighbors for allowing us to use their rustic barns as a backdrop! Here are a few photos from the shoot:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Wee Little Success!
Last Sunday Kysha Winters and I hosted our first "Wee Little Christmas Party!" Children and their parents joined us for an afternoon of cookie decorating fun! We made Peanut Butter Blossoms, Sugar Cookies, and little Reindeer heads using Nutter Butters dipped in melted chocolate. Pretzels were used as the antlers, red hots for the nose, and white or green round sprinkles for the eyes. In addition, the children made snowflake ornaments using colorful gumdrops. Fruitloops and lifesavers were also used to make a tinsel type ornament for the tree. Here's a sneek peek from the event. It was so hard to choose which pictures to post. All the kids were SO cute!
The centerpiece for the event. I made the gumdrop tree :)
Canon was quite cute. He had a ball rolling all over the living room floor, stopping at intervals to give me his best model face.
Ginger and Emma making the dough for the Peanut Butter Blossoms.
And who are these kids??? That's my older sister and me about 18 years ago making Peanut Butter Blossoms with mom :) I'm thankful for a mother who could give us such special memories and traditions. LOVE YOU MOM!
And as promised . . . there was a special drawing for those that attended the party! Congratulations to Diane MaGee! She is the winner of a FREE private photo session for her family!
I can't wait for this year's Spring event. I'm thinking of bunnies, flowers, and colored eggs! Hope to see you all there!
Monday, December 1, 2008
A Wee Little Christmas Party
In less than a week, Kysha Winters and I will be hosting "A Wee Little Christmas Party." This party gives children and their parents a few hours to cut loose for the holidays, baking and decorating Christmas cookies! All the while, I'll be clicking my camera for adorable candid shots! Formal shots for Christmas cards will also be available upon request.
What's the beauty of this type of party?
1. You get to have all the fun with none of the clean-up!
2. There's no sitting fee for this type of photography session.
3. You can view all event pictures online via a private gallery at
4. If you like what you see, you can purchase the pictures!
5. Attend and be entered to win a prize valued at $125
Moreover, I'm very excited about the decor for this party. It'll be a child's Christmas dream! In fact, I'm already considering a Spring party event as well. Check back for pictures from this party.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving at the Line's
I just love the holidays! So much to do, so many places to go! And this Thanksgiving was my FIRST Thanksgiving as a married woman. Yes, I am a newlywed. Nathan and I were married October 18, 2008 on top of Signal Mountain at Laurelwood. Although Nathan is "back-country" and I am "city salon," we work well together. I believe we enjoy each other's differences because it pushes us out of our comfort zones, making us stronger as individuals. One of the bonds we share, however, is having grown up with a wonderful support system from our families. Luckily, if I'm not with my family, his is a good substitute :) And since it's Thanksgiving, I'll go ahead and say that I'm thankful for that! Given that his family is much larger than mine, holiday traditions are somewhat different. Usually I spend Thanksgiving watching the Macy's Day Parade, eating a Thanksgiving feast in the formal dining room with about 6 others, and enjoying the latest Christmas movie in theatres with my family. Though I did catch the parade this year as I was getting dressed, the rest of the day was spent catching up with Nathan's 30 plus family members and friends! Afternoon and evening activities included a family football game, cornhole, and a big bonfire! And when it was finally time for dinner, we all retreated to a beautifully decorated white tent (yeah, like the kind they have at weddings) to enjoy our Thanksgiving feast. Here are a few pictures:
Nathan's childhood home

Mary Grace and Drew Burchfield

Christian Sagel

Dominic Sagel

Samson, the family dog, chillin' . . .

Nathan getting pumped . . .

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