I am really exhausted for a Monday . . . not a great way to start the week. I have come to the conclusion that as long as I'm married to Nathan, I will never be overweight or stupid. haha! Boot camp began friday night the instant Nathan walked through the door. Before I could blink, I found myself walking around Lakeshore Park. From there we went grocery shopping until about 10 PM.
Once we got home, Nathan and I made a pizza from scratch . . . which was REALLY good. The ingredients were pesto sauce, grilled chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, fresh red peppers, olives, spinach, feta and parmesan cheese. The next morning Nathan went to work until noon. From there I met up with the ole bugger downtown for the Rossini Festival, Knoxville's italian festival. We had a great time walking around listening to local musicians, watching craftsmen, people watching, and of course eating. Although it was an italian festival, we opted for some greek food. From there Nathan and I parted ways. He went to the gym and I went home to do some work. Later that evening Nathan took me to the bookstore and then to see the movie "earth" by disney. It was essentially like the discovery channel's "Planet Earth" episodes. Actually, it had a lot of the same footage. Nonetheless, a tree was planted in our honor for watching the movie opening week. Sunday felt just as busy. Nathan somehow convinced me to go to this "Body Pump" class at the gym! This is basically an aerobics class with weights. So there I am . . . all 97 pounds of me pumping some iron with the "meatheads." And when I mean "iron," I mean the bar with maybe a pound plate on each side. Honestly, there's no point in over doing it. After the vigorous workout, Nathan and I went for another walk around Lakeshore Park. By this time we were starving so we came home and made a hawaiian chicken dinner. And for dessert I made a pineapple upside-down cake. It was my first one. I was so proud of myself :)
Anyhow, here are a few pics from the festival:

Wire trees . . . neat, huh?

I love this girl! She was singing all my favorite classic love songs! She's only 13 and already sings like a star! Her name is Logan Murrell. 

Sitting outside "Coffee and Chocolate" . . . gotta support those locals!

I told Nathan that belly dancing would be my next endeavor! He laughed and said, "Absolutely not." I'm not sure if he was trying to say that I wouldn't be any good or that he just didn't want to finance another one of my great ideas. hmm???

Nothing like a street full of children giving themselves an enema